Salamander Diets and Feeding Tips

Updated February 26, 2018
Fire Salamander

If you're thinking about getting a pet salamander, you'll need to know what to feed salamanders. Salamanders are carnivores, but the exact type of food you should feed varies based on the species you have and whether it is a baby or an adult.

What to Feed Salamanders

Appropriate salamander food depends on the age of your pet.

Immature Salamanders

Gilled salamander larvae are a bit challenging to feed because they are aquatic but carnivorous.

Daphnia Water Fleas

Some foods they will eat include:

As they grow larger, immature salamanders can eat small worms and will even feed on one another. Caudata Culture offers an excellent list of foods to feed salamanders and the benefits of each type.

Adult Salamander

Once salamanders lose their gills, they can be fed a bit more easily, and most of the foods pet salamanders need are available at local pet supply stores.

Large Cockroaches

Caudata Culture recommends feeding adult salamanders a variety of small, live foods, including:

How to Feed Your Salamander

Feeding your Salamander is fairly simple. You will need:

To feed your pet:

  1. Grasp the cricket, worm, or insect with the forceps. Insects should be coated in reptile vitamin powder or calcium powder every few feedings.
  2. Hold the insect about an inch from the salamander's nose. He should take it rapidly, so be ready to release the insect from the forceps.

Salamander Feeding Schedule

How often you feed your pet depends a lot on the age of your salamander, his appetite, the temperature he is kept at, and many other factors. As a general rule, feed daily if he seems interested, but only feed as much as he will eat in a single sitting and then remove any remaining food from his cage.

Some salamanders may only want to eat once every couple of days, so don't worry too much if your pet is willing to eat one day and refuses the next. As long as he feeds again in another day or two, all should be well. If he refuses after that, you should call your vet for further advice.

Salamander Diet by Species

Although salamanders of all types are carnivorous and their diets may appear similar, there are a few preferences among different strains of salamanders. Knowing the types of foods that your particular breed of salamander enjoys in the wild can help with a finicky eater.

Tiger Salamander Care and Feeding

Tiger salamanders have a "voracious" appetite. In the wild, tiger salamanders feed on a wide variety of foods.


They can be offered:

  • Small snails
  • Earthworms
  • Crickets
  • Wax worms
  • Small mice (for larger salamanders and only occasionally)
  • Minnows (for large specimens)

Spotted Salamander Food

Spotted salamanders are nocturnal feeders in the wild according to National Geographic. They emerge from their hiding spots after the sun sets and eating prey like:

  • Millipedes
  • Spiders
  • Slugs
  • Worms
  • Insects

Blue-Spotted Salamander Diet

According to the University of Michigan's BioKIDS website, the blue-spotted salamander can survive in captivity quite well on a single worm a week. In the wild, they eat from a wide variety of live foods, such as:

  • Spiders
  • Snails
  • Slugs
  • Worms
  • Centipedes
  • Insects

Fire Salamander

Reptile Channel claims crickets are an excellent staple of a good diet for a fire salamander.

Meal worms

For variety, you can also feed:

  • Wax worms
  • Small mealworms
  • Silkmoth larvae
  • Earthworms
  • Pinkie mice (feed only once a month)

Feeding a Redback Salamander

According to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, the redback salamander enjoys eating:

  • Worms
  • Slugs
  • Spiders
  • Ants
  • Mites
  • Insect larvae

Consult Your Pet Store or Breeder for Proper Salamander Care

When you purchase your salamander, consult with the breeder or pet store about which foods they have been feeding your pet and how often. It is best to keep the diet as similar as possible and introduce new foods slowly for a successful transition to a new home.

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Salamander Diets and Feeding Tips